It’s been just over a year and a half since we lost Tucker… Seems like forever – and still seems like yesterday.
Nancy And I joke about Tucker still being here, in spirit – you swear that you hear him when you know nothing is there – you catch a glimpse out of the corner of your eye, go to see what Bodi or Oliver are in to, and find them asleep on the sofas – the little “mind” things.
This morning we awoke and walked into the hallway to see Tucker’s blue light on his collar lit up. We got this light for him so that on night walks we could see him easier. Everyone we walked with and saw knew Tucker was coming from afar as they would see “The Blue Boy” walking up.
Tucker’s collar has hung from that door since we lost him, and this morning his blue light was on – makes us happy!
I thought I would share this poem again, not mine, but very touching – and appropriate…
I stood by your bed last night …I came to have a peep.
I could see that you’d been crying,and you found it hard to sleep.
I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear, “It’s me. I haven’t left you. I’m well, I’m fine, I’m here”.
I was close to you at breakfast… I watched you pour your tea.
You were thinking of the many times your hands reached down to touch me.
I was with you at my grave today… you tend to it with such care.
I want to reassure you. That I’m not lying there.
I walked you towards the house as you fumbled for the key.
I gently put my paw on you…I smiled and said, “it’s me”.
You looked so tired as you sank into your chair.
I tried so hard to let you know that I was sitting there.
It’s wonderful for me to be so near you everyday,
To say to you with certainty, “I never went away”.
You sat there quietly, then smiled… I think you knew
That in the stillness of the evening I was very close to you.
And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide,
I’ll rush across to meet you and we’ll stand there side by side.
I have so many things to show you ! There’s so much for you to see.
Be patient, live your journey out, then come home to be with me.
Written by: Colleen Fitzsimmons
14 Responses
Oh my Goodness… that is so cool and yes, I needed a tissue while reading this… I miss my Sammy too and as much as Coco and Hash Brown pester me while I am trying to nap on the back patio, I adore them in EVERY OTHER WAY! Love the picture of the collar!!! Its a Tucker and God Wink! Thanks for sharing the story. all my Love to you both,
Isn’t that cool Lia? Yes… I do believe it was Tucker and God’s wink 😉 We always said Tucker is God’s right hand dog 😉 Sammy is up there with him and they are in good “paws”! Love to you too… we’ll get together soon!
I just wanted you to know I wrote that poem 8 yrs ago for my first weimeraner Shadow. Thank you for printing it as I have seen it travel to many parts of the world.
Thank you so much for writing it, and for coming to The Good Dog Blog.
I always felt bad for not being able to say who wrote the poem, but always made sure that everyone knew that the beautiful writing was not of my hand.
It really is a beautiful and touching poem that is very appropriate for these beautiful beasts that we call friends.
If you have a website that we could link to I would be more than happy to point people your way.
I have the poem on,
Thank you so much for sharing my poem. I’m also on face book you can friend me the poem is also in my notes there. It took a long time to write I found it very hard to get the words on paper before tears block my sight. friend me on face book @ Colleen Fitzsimmons
I will definitely friend you on facebook. Got all of your comments here – they had gone into a review folder, so I posted the two that had the info.
It is very hard to write things like that about a loved one – I still get tears just looking at pictures of Tucker, so I do understand what you went through.
Thank you for writing it and posting here.
That is my dogster account where I first posted the poem it’s in Shadow’s diary. It was very hard to write through many tears She was my girl. You can friend me on face book at Colleen Fitzsimmons the poem is also in my notes there.You will also see I had an artist hand paint a memorial on my car for her it looks just like her he copied off her picture
Hi Colleen… Jim definitely speaks for both of us regarding your poem… it is beautiful and we thank you so much for writing it and letting us share it on our blog. Our beloved Tucker has been gone for a while… but I know in my heart that he is still with us in spirit 🙂 I kiss his urn every night and I kiss his collar every day! Miss our little guy so much… words cannot describe the feeling.. but your poem has helped us get through a very difficult time and it reminds us that they are still here in our hearts… thank you!
can you tell me where i can get a copy of “missing you” that includes the picture of the white dog? it reminds me so much of my dog that passed away and who i miss very much. i would like to keep the poem (w/picture) w/her ashes. thank you.
Hi Colleen,
I just wanted to thank you for writing such a touching poem. We lost our beloved Libby four months ago and we still think of her every day. She was such a wonderful, loving golden retriever. Your poem will be framed and displayed next to our Libbys photo. You have touched my heart and I thank you for that.
Kathy Van Allen
Thank you i have grieved so after losing my dog cowboy he was a blessing from God above..
I have just read the poem about your dog named Tucker, and was very touched. Where can I purchase a copy of it?
this is her facebook page
Where can I get a print of the painting?