This blog is going to be a journal of our times as we bring to incredible dogs together and try to meld their two different personalities together without losing either one of their distinct souls and temperaments. The four
of us in the journey are Jim, Nancy, Tucker and Bodi. The Vizsla is an incredible dog of Hungarian descent used mainly for bird hunting and pointing. Our first dog, Tucker, has been with us for 11, almost 12, years and we have had
him since he was 8 weeks old, as a matter of fact, we first had a chance to go and see him, and the rest of his pack, when he was 3 weeks old, and shortly after that Tuck picked us out to be a part of his life. We never thought that
we could fall so deeply in love with a dog, but the Vizsla dog makes it easy, and Tucker’s personality has been a treat to live with for these (almost) 12 years. Bodi, our second “V” joined our family on 2.15.09 and has quickly entrenched
himself in all of our hearts, The two of us completely, Tucker – not quite so much, but he is getting more relaxed all of the time.
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